
My new boyfriend

So, tonight I was messing around with my iMovie to see if I could figure it out. I figured I'd be pretty decent seeing as I found my way around FinalCut, a news industry standard for editing. My only struggle was finding extra video lying around, so I decided to shoot some. However, alone in my apartment I came upon a problem. I didn't have Meghan to throw on her grill and rap for me, or do some cool baton tricks. So, I decided to expose my love affair, and new boyfriend, Griffin.
It is about time that we proclaim our love for one another, though this was just a test of iMovie, I think that the product was quite beautiful.


Miss NH Program 2009

Above is a documentary created by two talented Emerson College students, Ben and Ivan. They found out that Meghan and I were roommates and both competitors for for the title of Miss NH 2009 and there was no turning back. This short documentary has been aired on the Emerson Channel's show Up Close and Personal. It was filmed in our apartment, of course. Enjoy watching it, we had so much fun making it! We were laughing and joking around all night with our photogs and needless to say I'm glad they decided to clip out Meghan's rap (shes so hip hop) and me talking about how rank my dog's gas is :-)

Below are a few photo's provided by Jan Seeger a photographer from the Eagle Tribune, that I thought were pretty funny. I took these with her camera when she let me mess around and do a photoshoot during our Miss NH Media Day. (obviously not the one of me) I LOVE THESE GIRLS!!

Me, backstage at rehearsal going over one of our numbers

Meghan modeling

Brittany Crosby and Lauren Gorgal hamming it up for the camera!

To see more of us, come see the Miss NH 2009 shows!
Prelims: April 30th, May 1st at 7pm 
Finals: May 2nd at 6:30pm
Pinkerton Academy's Arts and Humanities Center
(stockbridge theater for the PA grads out there)
Tickets for prelims are only $10 each, so theres no excuse not to come  and cheer on your favorite roommates :-)
Tickets for the final night are $20 for under 18 and $30 for adults -- still pretty decently priced, and you wouldnt want to miss one of us being crowed Miss NH would you!?

 go to the Miss NH Website (missnh.org) and download a ticket order form, or contact me and I will gladly buy you some tix!


Janine gets Juicy

 Hope you like my newest news package for EIV News :-)

I cannot stand gossip forums. Didn't your mothers teach you,
if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all!
The whole posting anonymously, is even more cowardly and pathetic. 



Moped Mess

So, the other night I was waiting outside my friend's apartment while a few people were finishing their cancer sticks, and some dude in a leather jacket rolls up on his bright red moped, revving and everything I laughed to myself but no one else seemed to think it was funny, so I let it go. After he went inside, I decided to sit on that baby and see if I could feel why he thought he was so B.A. on that vixen-lipstick red stallion

Oh, I felt it, and conned Elyse into feeling it too.

PS: The rebellious man came outside to put his trash out. I was straddling his baby. I had no idea it was him, but everyone else did. Fail.


so, being a reporter for the first time has been rough, i'm a bit embarrassed
 by my first news package, so here's my second which is a bit better. 

Happy Holidays!


why can't i do this?

check out this article on angelina jolie.. imagine if you had this much power? what would you do with it? It's only fair that she limits negative press now that she has matured and wants to be considered an ethical human being, but higher than her billy bob, blood necklace wearing, knive loving days

So, facebook is a pretty serious thing in my life, and all of the young adults in my life... it helps us network, talk with friends across the country all within one forum, we can post pictures, send pictures, sent public of private messages.. for those of you who love to facebook stalk, we can find out a LOT about people, without even really meeting them- a bit scary, but also kind of cool when meeting someone for the first time you can do your research on their likes, political views and relationship status. However, the momentary status that can be changed from minute to minute is really what shows who someone is, what they say in the moment without editing, a spur of the moment comment. Here are a few anonymous status's from my fellow facebook friends that make me think, laugh and pissed off.

[blank] is hoping to avoid jury duty this time around

(really? you're thankful for getting so wasted you cant even enjoy the time with your fam on turkey day??)

[blank] is donezooooo.
(I dont know...)

[blank] is  going to work... on a MONDAYY eeeww
(everyone hates mondays.. but the comforting thing is that you're in it w/ everyone else- buck up)

[blank] needs a million dollars....anyone?.....ANYONE??
(economic crisis anyone... come on be considerate)

[blank] saw the sunrise over the Boston skyline. What wer eyou doing at 6:24AM EST?
(um sleeping... freak)

[blank] is el campo was the medicine for your cheatin' heart
(um, southern people confuse me...)

[blank] is so encouraged, so thankful, so in awe, so at peace, praise God for those who give us hope and praise God for His promises!
(no comment.. I don't wanna go to hell.. butttt.. what the hell?)


I have a problem

So, I think it is healthy to tell people when you have realized a character flaw in yourself. Well I, Janine Mitchell, LOVE it when people fall. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anyone hurt, but if someone slips, and happens to take out all of the inanimate objects around them, thats funny. I really love it when people flail their arms and legs around on the way down and slap and kick everything around them. So, I want you to laugh too,

 go to www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOvqF4ZPDNM

and if you dont at least smile, or giggle at this clip, you are either a. not human or b. having a really bad day. :-) enjoy